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Top CX Transformation Challenges CEOs Face:

There are 3 CX transformation challenges a brand faces again and again. As CX transformation efforts expand, the CEO must use more and more sophisticated approaches to meet these challenges while ensuring transformation efforts produce greater ROI for the brand. 1. SETTING THE BRAND’S VISION and re-calibrating it from time to time to match changing priorities dictated by increased customer knowledge and evolving customer needs and desires. 2. INSPIRING EMPLOYEES to implement improvements that further CX transformation efforts. The process of measuring employee success needs to evolve and become more precise as transformation efforts expand. 3. IMPROVING ALIGNMENT between all brand actions and the stat

ed goal of CX transformation which is the deepening of customer relationships.

Leading CX brands are 6X more likely to be strong performers addressing these 3 challenges compared to those brands beginning CX transformation efforts.


Create a single CX KPI that all brand actions are measured against. To ensure this KPI has the required gravitas, it needs to be the #1 metric (even above sales and margin targets) that all brand decisions, across the organization, are measured. In the beginning, the KPI tracking process can be rudimentary (for example Customer Satisfaction), but it needs to evolve as CX transformation efforts expand.

TEN-POW TIP #2: Reward employees who empower great CX experience. Recognition requires setting up a system that tracks employee actions and the associated customer-related impact. Again, this tracking process can be rudimentary at the beginning, but it needs to evolve as CX transformation efforts expand.

TEN-POW TIP #3: Set clear short and long-term CX goals and ensure these are known by all employees throughout the organization. A key part of this process is the creation of a systematic approach for identifying a brand’s important customers. Care must be taken to develop a strategy for ensuring these customers’ treatment by the brand is differentiated in ways that make them feel the brand is intimately aware of their needs and desires. #CX #CustomerExperience



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