CX Transformation Defined:
To significantly improve a brand’s financial success by building unbreakable bonds with customers. Bonded customers are intensely loyal which is the source of competitively-differentiating value for a brand. As the frequency of customer-focused actions by a brand increases, customer sentiment that they are the brand’s #1 priority also increases. This is what bonds the customer to the brand.
A CEO's Top Priority:
To ensure their brand is consistently improving in making decisions and taking action - at all levels of the organization - to overcome existing challenges and, at the same time, become better aligned to the needs/desires of the customer.
Our customers believe they are the #1 priority of our business

As CX transformation advances, the brand is better positioned to act in ways that show customers they are the brand’s #1 priority.
Ensuring A Brand’s Actions Are Strongly Aligned With Customer Needs/Desires:
There are 3 types of brand activities that the CEO must continually track to ensure alignment is taking place between brand actions and customers' needs/desires: 1. Know your customers: Ensure the brand is collecting the right data to enhance customer knowledge.
2. Make better decisions: Ensure the brand is transforming insights into customer knowledge and, most importantly, sharing this knowledge across the brand.
3. Focused actions: Track new customer knowledge and how it is being used to guide brand actions.
Identify and collect data the brand is able to use to build stronger customer relationships. Knowledge is the foundation for building strong relationships and the foundation of knowledge is data. Be careful to avoid equating the volume of data with the value of data. Use various types of CX data to build the most complete picture of the customer.
TEN-POW TIP #2: Transform customer knowledge into the driving force for all decision-making at all levels of the organization. Customer knowledge shouldn’t be just another input into the strategic planning process, it needs to become integral to all brand decisions, at every level. To do this, CEOs must first break down data silos that stall CX knowledge-sharing at the mid-level of the organization (Managers & Directors) and ensure that important CX knowledge is shared across the organization, especially with executives (who are the strategic planners) and front line staff (who interact directly with customers).
TEN-POW TIP #3: Track and recognize where and when CX-based decisions have impacted decision-making and share this with the entire organization. It is important to track, and just as important to acknowledge, when decisions are made based on new CX knowledge. This reinforces positive transformational behavior and is vitally important during the early days of CX transformation in order to establish momentum. #CX #CustomerExperience